Welcome to Violet Angel

The book link is below the news section.


I reject the identity politics which have become so prevalent.  LGBT-etc. should never have been politicised and turned into a social weapon as it has.  I am just an individual getting through life as best I can with good will toward others.  I had to handle a sex change as best as modern medicine allows and became a better person through the process.  It was a health matter with social implications.  This personal matter did not automatically make me a victim to be drawn into others' harmful political agendas.  You can call being transgendered a status, but that status, if you will, has been hijacked as a tool by political forces that I reject.  They do not represent me.  In fact, I reclaim the old clinical term transsexual (TS).


4 June 2023: Seeing as how military personnel who have made the ultimate sacrifice get one day, Memorial Day, and people with letters get thirty days, Pride Month, I'm starting a new thing this year.  So far I have four unused "pride" days this month, and I have twenty-six more coming.  I hereby and henceforth convert and transfer my full allotment of "pride" days into honouring the military personnel who have lost their lives in service.

4 June 2023: On Friday 14 April 2023 I was on The Other Side of the News again.  As before, please listen and share.

Rumble link: Leslie Regier - Gender Assassination, TOSN 129

11 March 2023: Dust is still settling, but the book link is back up.  Last night I was the round table guest on The Other Side of the News.  Please listen and share.
Update 4 June 2023:
Rumble link: Leslie Regier & Host Panel- WTF!?!, TOSN 126

2 August 2022: Violet Angel has relocated and will be working on new projects after the dust settles.  Please stand by.  Several boxes of Unchaining My Truth: Taking Flight on the Wings of a Dream remain in stock.

In December 2012 Violet Angel published and released the real-life book, Unchaining My Truth: Taking Flight on the Wings of a Dream, by Leslie Regier.  Online sales are available both directly from the publisher and through Amazon.com. The book & purchase details are here.

Site Content © 2012- by Violet Angel